
Hi there! This is Genadi from the Partial team. Last year we set out to launch a Functional Programming conference in Bulgaria. It wasn’t focused on a single technology or stack, but it was focused on the web! The conference brought speakers and participants from all around the world and the themes were fun and practical. You can check them out by watching the videos from last year.

We believe that Functional Programming does not live strictly in the academic world and has practical implications. You can look at the recent explosion of the React and Redux as an example of how the FP paradigm making its way into the mainstream programming. But did you know that Redux was heavily inspired by the Elm architecture? And Elm itself is inspired by the ML family languages and Haskell in particular? If we follow down that rabbit hole, a bunch, old and forgotten technologies emerge that can help us build better software today.

This is why we are excited to announce that we are organizing Partial again! It’s gonna be held on 28th of September 2018 in Sofia, Bulgaria and our CFP is open until 20th of August!

Become a speaker

We are in the pursuit of learning practical and pragmatic FP programming from the leading experts in their fields covering both frontend and backend.

Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on twitter for upcoming updates! And expect our future posts about the changes to the conference format, fun FP trivia, Sofia, the universe, computation problems and everything else!

Yours fully! ❤️